Canderel Raspberry Smoothie Breakfast Bowl

Recipe takeover Canderel 380X200 Recipe takeover Canderel 380X200
1 person 0 minutes 10 minutes


  • 1 - Banana Half
  • 1 tsp Canderel Granular Sweetener
  • 1 handfull Frozen Raspberries
  • 40 g Granola
  • 125 g Greek Yoghurt
  • 2 tbsp Seed Mix


Blend the yogurt, banana, frozen raspberries, Canderel sweetener and oats in a blender until smooth & thick. 

Divide the mixture between two bowls or glasses. 

Serve with a mixture of toppings: a sprinkling of cereal, fresh fruit & seed. Delicious! 

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