Careers Privacy Policy

When you enter information on this site we gather a certain amount of data from you in order to allow you to comment on recipes, enter a competition or use other functions of the website.

We gather the information provided by you when you fill in a form on the site and information we learn from your use of this website (the “Site”) and your use of our services and other sites accessible from our site. From time to time we may also gather information relating to promotional activity and any information you provide when contacting us.

We also review usage patterns and use of the Site to help us improve our services to you. We respect your right to privacy and take the responsibility of protecting your data and using it only in a way that you would expect, very seriously.

The purpose of this policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is to outline how we deal with any personal data you provide to us while visiting the Site. By visiting this Site, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We hope that you will find everything you need to know about how we protect your personal data and what uses we make of it below.


Personal Data provided by job applicants will be processed by the relevant retailer for the purposes of carrying out the recruitment function of the retailer concerned and the submission of an application containing personal data is given in consideration of that application being considered. 

Your personal data will be held and processed by Musgrave and the relevant retailer in order to evaluate and process your application for a position. Personal data will be shared with Musgrave Limited for the purpose of supporting retailers in the recruitment process, for internal reporting purposes, and for administration purposes and you should be aware that third parties may be used in the administration of our IT systems and data hosted or processed on them. 

Our current service providers who support the recruitment process may also have access including The Internet Corporation Limited t/a Amris eRecruitment who operate and support the application portal, who are bound by obligations of confidentiality.  These service providers may change from time to time, but we will take all reasonable steps to ensure they maintain the confidentiality of personal data. 

Where an applicant applies for a role and submits personal data to this website, then that data will not be retained for longer than 18 months from the date that the last candidate for the position in question is notified of the outcome of the selection process.  Should the applicant apply for more than one role, then a new 18-month retention period will apply in respect of each separate application. 

Where a candidate applies for job alerts only, then the candidate’s personal data will be retained for as long as the candidate continues to be registered for job alerts until the candidate indicates they no longer wish to receive such alerts.

We may need you to respond to certain queries from time to time in relation to your eligibility for work such as information regarding your age and any relevant work permits required. If you fail to respond to these queries, we may be unable to accept an application from you or to further consider your application.

Personal Information: What we Collect and Why

We only ask you for the information we need to allow you to use a particular function of the site. This includes your name and email address when adding a comment or rating a part of the site. We may request additional information for competitions so that we can contact you in a convenient manner and assess your eligibility to enter.

We do not Share your Data

The information we need about you is not shared with any third parties beyond our trusted partners who need to have access to this data in order to provide our online services and unless you indicate otherwise, with third parties who may have promotions and other goods and services which may be of interest to you or your household and successors to our business or the business of your local SuperValu with which you have shopped.

Your data is processed by our main web partners and our Real Rewards partners. Each of these partners is committed to protecting your data in line with the rigorous demands we place on them.

We may use and share non-personal information, as it relates to sets or groups of customers, to enhance our understanding of customer behaviour and enable us to improve our service in general.

We will disclose your personal data if we believe in good faith that we are required to disclose it in order to comply with any applicable law, a summons, a search warrant, a court or regulatory order, or other statutory requirement.

Security of your Data

SuperValu are committed to keeping your data secure. We and our partners comply with the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003. The servers on which this data is stored are in a physically secure facility. Personal data is transmitted using 128-bit SSL encryption to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information as it is transmitted.

Your personal data is only entered on our system when the browser is in ‘HTTPS’ or secure mode. The padlock symbol should appear when you are in this mode, indicating that you are safely submitting encrypted information only. To take full advantage of all security features you should use an up-to-date browser.

However the nature of the Internet is such that we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of information you transmit to us via the Internet. No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. However, as set out above, we will take all commercially reasonable steps (including appropriate technical and organisational measures) to protect your personal data which you provide to us.

We Respect Your Contact Information

We may contact you by phone, if you have entered a competition or made an enquiry on the website.

We will also keep you informed of any new shopping features and news on special offers, promotions and other goods and services which may be of interest to you or your household unless you indicate otherwise. You can choose at any time not to receive such communication by following the unsubscribe instructions on any written communication. You have the right to request a copy of your data currently held by us and to rectify or remove personal details, by contacting us.

Non-personal Information

In addition to the personal information we need, we also gather statistical and other analytical information of all visitors to our websites. We use this non-personal data gathered from visitors to our website in a collective form to improve the service we provide. This is not linked to your personal information and is completely anonymous.

Third Party Sites

From time to time we may provide links to other sites. These sites are not covered by our Privacy Policy and you should consult the privacy policy of any other site where available for more information.


A cookie is a small piece of information placed on your PC by this Site. It enables your computer to access information on this Site in a faster and more efficient manner. SuperValu uses cookies to recognise where you are from, to help with security and enable many of the features that make the Site function. We also use cookies to monitor website activity as described above in the ‘Non-Personal Information’ section.

Our Site uses a number of cookies which broadly fall under the following:

Cookies required for Site Usage

We use cookies which are required to login to your Real Rewards account and make purchases on our Online Shopping website. These are required to use the site and it will not function properly without them. You can change your cookie settings so that these cookies will not be set. You can also delete cookies which have previously been set.
For more information on how to manage cookies, including opt-out of all site cookies please visit:

Site Analysis cookies

We also gather statistical and other analytical information of all visitors to our websites. We use this non-personal data gathered from visitors to our website in a collective form to improve the service we provide. This is not linked to your personal information and is completely anonymous.
The service that we use for this purpose is Google Analytics. To see how you can opt out of Google Analytics visit
For more information on how to manage cookies, including opt-out of site analysis cookies please visit:

Functional cookies

Our websites use a number of cookies which perform activities such as remembering your previous choices when visiting via mobile phone, remembering not to display the same warning repeatedly etc.
For more information on how to manage cookies, including opting-out of functional cookies please visit:

Advertising/Re-marketing cookies

As a part of our site tracking we do pass information to the Google/Doubleclick advertising network which allows advertising relevant to sites you have visited to be delivered across other websites. This information is anonymous. You can set your preferences or opt out of these programmes using the following link:

Other third party cookies

If you use an embedded service on our site such as Google Maps, Sharing via Facebook or Twitter, Video via Vimeo, cookies may be set which are beyond our control. As we do not control these cookies and cannot access them, you should check the cookie policies of these embedded services.

If you have any further questions on how we store or use information about you please feel free to contact us.


The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this Site so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

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