Product Traceability

Traceability of products from producer to consumer is critical as a key element of the food safety system

Traceability of products from producer to consumer is critical as a key element of the food safety system.

All SuperValu Fresh Meat is 100% Irish and Bord Bia approved traceable back to the Irish Farms of Origin. All Suppliers are audited and traceability verified internally and externally on a yearly basis.

In SuperValu all our products carry a best before/use by date and in some cases a batch/time code. This allows our suppliers to trace when and where batches have been shipped. This is especially important in the event of a product recall where specific batch information needs to be notified to consumers.

Recent food crises have underlined the importance of positive traceability back to sources of origin. By working with many Irish producers, SuperValu is always assured of farm to fork traceability across its range.

In particular, our Foodtrace system for all fresh meats on the counter allows direct traceability back to farms of origin for the consumer. Foodtrace is a meat traceability system that was developed by SuperValu in 2005 and is on all  SuperValu Butchers counters ever since. We are the only retailer with this system that facilitates immediate traceability. This system has been accredited by GS1 (Global Systems) as best in class. Daily reports of Beef traceability on the counters at any given time are available at each meat counter every day. We are continuing to work to develop and enhance food traceability systems to further reassure our customers of our sources.


DNA Testing on All SuperValu Bacon and Rashers.

In addition to Bord Bia approval, all SuperValu branded Bacon has now got DNA Traceback to the Irish Boar database. SuperValu is the first retailer in the world to adopt this technology for pigmeat.

The DNA TraceBack® Programme is a scientific means of guaranteeing the Irish origins of pigmeat, whether it’s fresh or processed. Unlike paper based traceability systems which rely on product labels, the DNA TraceBack programme tests pigmeat products and checks them against a National DNA Database of Irish boars. The National DNA Database was developed in conjunction with the Irish pig producers and the Irish Farmers Association.

This gives extra re-assurance to customers on our traceability and commitment to 100% Irish Pig Meat.


DNA TraceBackOrganic Trust

      Food Trace  Hygeine and Food Safety  NSAI Certified


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