Page 48 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 48

shoope ies & arts

                                          Lemon tart

                                               SERVES 8
             FOR THE PASTRY           Sift the flour and icing sugar into   Put the eggs, egg yolks and sugar
             180g plain flour          a bowl and add the cold butter.   in a large jug and whisk together.
             50g icing sugar          Rub the butter into the flour   Add the finely grated lemon zest
             115g cold butter, diced  until the mixture resembles fine   and juice and whisk again. Finally,
             1 egg yolk               breadcrumbs. Mix the egg yolk   add the cream and whisk well to
             2 to 3 tablespoons cold water  with 2 to 3 tablespoons of cold   combine.     THRIFTY TIP
                                      water, then add to the flour and mix                  Egg whites freeze
             FOR THE FILLING          together to bring the pastry together   To avoid a wobbly journey to the   beautifully for future use.
             3 eggs                   to form a ball. Flatten into a disc,   oven, put the pastry case on a   Just remember to write
             3 egg yolks              cover with cling film and refrigerate   baking sheet and only half fill it   the quantity of whites
             175g caster sugar        for 20 minutes.           with the mixture. Pull out the centre   on the freezer bag along
             3 lemons, zest and juice                           shelf of the oven a little and put the   with the date of freezing.
             200ml double cream       Preheat the oven to 160°C fan/gas   half-filled tart on it. Gradually and
                                      mark 3.                   carefully pour in the rest of the liquid
                                      Line a 23cm flan tin with the pastry   up to the top of the pastry shell,
                                      and bake blind according to the   then push into the oven very gently,
                                      instructions in the Kitchen School   being careful not to spill the filling.
                                      panel on page 43.         Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until just
                                                                set and the centre still has a little

                                                SUPERVALU LOVES IRISH CRAFTS
                                                The concrete tea light holder with metallic interior
                                                is the result of designer Kevin Corcoran’s Danish and
                                                Irish heritage. Born in Denmark to a Danish father
                                                and Irish mother, he is now based in Baltimore, West
                                                Cork. His work draws on the clean lines synonymous
                                                with Danish design and the textured raw materials
                                                that are so prevalent in Ireland.
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