Page 47 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 47

shoope ies & arts

                                     Chocolate tart

                                          SERVES 8 TO 10

                 1 x 200g disc of Roll-It sweet   Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.
                   shortcrust pastry, thawed  Roll out the thawed pastry disc to line a 20cm flan tin with
                 350g dark chocolate, 70%   a removable base. Prick the surface with a fork, line with
                   cocoa, chopped into small   non-stick baking paper and fill with dried baking beans. Bake
                   pieces                 in the oven for 15 minutes, then remove the paper and beans   KEEP AN EYE
                 250ml cream              and put back in the oven for another 5 minutes to finish   OUT FOR IRISH
                 50g butter                                                              PASTRY
                 30g caster sugar         cooking the base.                              With more and more
                                          Put the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Put the   quality Irish products on
                                          cream, butter and sugar in a small pot and heat to just   the market, it’s great to
                                          below the boiling point, stirring to make sure the sugar has   find an Irish ready-made
                                                                                         pastry in our freezer
                                          Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate and leave   cabinets. Roll-It pastry
                                          to stand for 5 minutes before mixing well with a fork. When   comes in two frozen discs,
                                          all the chocolate has melted and the mixture is shiny and   making it easy to use at
                                          smooth, pour it into the cooled pastry shell and allow to set   short notice.
                                          at room temperature, which should take 1 or 2 hours.
                                          This tart is extremely rich, so smaller slices are recommended.
                                          It might be too rich for whipped cream but the big flavours
                                          are magic with a strong coffee or pot of steaming tea.

                                                                                       THRIFTY TIP
                                                                                       You can use up any leftover
                                                                                       chocolates from your
                                                                                       Christmas stash, but omit the
                                                                                       sugar if using milk chocolate,
                                                                                       as otherwise it will be too
                                                                                       sweet. The second pastry disc
                                                                                       in the pack can be used to
                                                                                       make shortbread biscuits to
                                                                                       serve with coee or used with
                                                                                       whipped cream and fresh
                                                                                       berries for a quick dessert.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  45

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