Page 51 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 51


                                                                           Gluten free

                               WORLDWIDE BREIE

                                              Juan Carlos Cordovez-Mantilla takes us on a breakfast journey
                                              around the world with lots of Sunday brunch ideas for you to try.

                                                      Turkish eggs

                                                            SERVES 2

                300g plain Greek yogurt  Mix the yogurt and garlic   1 minute, then remove from the heat   with a slotted spoon and drain on
                1 garlic clove, crushed   together in a bowl. The garlic   and set aside.   kitchen paper.
                salt and pepper         needs to be well mixed through.   To poach the eggs, bring a pot of   Divide the yogurt between two
                50g butter              Use half a garlic clove for a   water to the boil. Have two eggs   dishes and gently place two
                ½ teaspoon paprika      milder avour. Add salt and   cracked into cups and ready to drop   poached eggs on top of each dish.
                ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper  pepper to taste.     in. Once the water has boiled, add   Drizzle the spiced butter on top
                ½ teaspoon chilli flakes                                                  and garnish with plenty of chopped
                4 eggs                  Melt the butter in a small frying   the vinegar and stir the water so it’s   fresh herbs and some freshly cracked
                6 tablespoons vinegar   pan set on a low to medium   whirling around, then reduce to a
                chopped fresh herbs, to garnish  heat along with the paprika and   simmer. Carefully slip the rst egg   pink peppercorns. Serve with grilled
                freshly cracked pink    cayenne pepper. Be careful not   in, wait a couple of seconds for the   sourdough toast soldiers on the side.
                  peppercorns, to garnish  to let the butter burn. Once the   egg to turn colour, then drop the
                4 slices of sourdough toast, to   butter starts to foam, add the   next one in. Continue until all four
                  serve                 chilli akes. Turn the heat o   eggs are in the pan. Poach for 2 to 3
                                        but leave the pan on the ring for   minutes for soft eggs, then remove
                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  49

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