Page 44 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 44

shoope ies & arts

                      Ham and cheese quiche

                                 SERVES 8 TO 10
                                                                         Puff pastry open tart
             FOR THE PASTRY     Sift the flour into a bowl and rub in the           SERVES 8
             200g plain flour    butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
             100g cold butter, diced  Mix the egg yolk with the water, then add   1 x 500g pack of Jus-Rol puff   1 small bunch of fresh
             1 egg yolk mixed with 2   to the bowl and mix together to bind the   pastry, thawed  thyme
               to 3 tablespoons cold   pastry. Shape into a flat disc, wrap in cling   100g Macroom Buffalo   200g seedless red grapes,
               water            film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.  Ricotta              halved
                                                                    100g SuperValu Red Onion   1 egg, lightly beaten
             FOR THE FILLING    Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.   Relish          50g walnut halves
             4 large eggs       Line a 23cm quiche tin with the pastry and   70g goats’ cheese
             250g cooked ham,   bake blind according to the instructions in
               chopped          the Kitchen School panel on page 43. Whisk   Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6. Line a baking tray
             150g mature Cheddar   the eggs and brush a little on the pastry base   with non-stick baking paper.
               cheese, grated   after removing the paper and baking beans,
             350ml cream, or half milk   then return the pastry to the oven for 5   Roll out the pastry to a rectangle approximately 25cm x
               and half cream   minutes to set. This seals the base and stops   35cm and trim the edges with a sharp knife. Put on the
             salt and pepper    the egg mixture making the base soggy.  lined tray and score a rectangle 2cm in from the edge,
                                                                    being careful not to cut all the way through. Prick the base
                                Put the pastry base on a baking tray and   inside the edge with a fork.
             TO SERVE
             green salad with cherry   scatter in the ham and 100g of the grated   Spread the ricotta over the base, then dot with small
               tomatoes         Cheddar. Add the cream to the whisked eggs,   amounts of the red onion relish. Break up the goats’ cheese
                                season and pour over the ham and cheese.   and scatter that over along with the fresh thyme leaves.
                                Sprinkle over the remaining Cheddar.
                                                                    Finally, scatter over the halved grapes.
                                Bake in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes,   Brush the pastry edges with a little beaten egg for a
                                until set through to the middle. Lower the   golden finish. Bake in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until
                                temperature to 160°C/gas mark 3 if it’s   the pastry is cooked and the topping has browned. Break
                                browning too quickly. Allow to cool in the tin   the walnuts over the tart and serve warm.
                                for 20 minutes before serving with a green
                                                                                        Pictured overleaf
                                salad with cherry tomatoes on the side.

                                                                                             This is a great
                                                                                             opportunity to use
                                                                                             up the remains of
                                                                                             your Christmas ham.
                                                                                             Otherwise, ask for a
                                                                                             thick slice of ham from
                                                                                             your delicatessen and
                                                                                             chop it into chunky

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