Page 45 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 45

shoope ies & arts

                                       Seafood triangles

                                               SERVES 4 TO 5
                30g butter             Melt the butter in a medium   Line two baking trays with non-stick
                30g plain flour         saucepan set over a medium heat.   baking paper.
                250ml milk             Add the flour and whisk together   Unroll the pastry sheets and cut
                salt and pepper        to make a roux. Gradually whisk   each one into four squares. Use the
                200g white fish, cut into 2cm   in the milk and bring to the boil,   remaining pastry to make two more
                  dice                 then reduce to a simmer for 2 to 3
                100g salmon            minutes, stirring all the time, until   squares. Spoon the filling onto one half   A QUICK
                100g prawns            the sauce has thickened and the   of each square, brush the edges with   WINTER
                3 to 4 sprigs of fresh dill,   flour is cooked. Season with salt and   beaten egg and fold over into a triangle,   SALAD
                  chopped, plus extra to                        pressing gently with a fork to seal.   To make an orange
                  garnish              pepper, then fold in all the seafood   Put on the lined baking trays, brush   and fennel salad to
                1 x 640g pack of Jus-Rol   and the dill and allow to cool.  with a little more beaten egg and cut   serve with the seafood
                  shortcrust pastry sheets                      a small slit on top for steam to escape.   triangles, trim two
                1 egg, beaten                                   Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.  large bulbs of fennel,
                orange and fennel salad, to                     Preheat the oven to 190°C/gas mark 5.  retaining the fronds
                  serve                                                                      for garnish. Thinly
                                                                Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes,   slice the fennel and
                                                                until the pastry is golden brown and   put in a bowl with four
                                                                the filling is bubbling. Allow to cool   segmented oranges.
                                                                for 5 minutes before garnishing with   Toss well and add a
                                                                a few fresh dill sprigs and serving with   little cracked black
                                                                an orange and fennel salad for an easy   pepper, then scatter
                                                                lunch or supper.
                                                                                             over the chopped
                                                                                             fennel fronds.

                                               KITCHEN SCHOOL Baking blind

                Baking blind is a term used   Roll out the pastry and line your   Bake in the preheated oven   You can blind bake
             1where the pastry is baked   2tin with it, pressing the pastry into   3for 15 minutes, until the   4the pastry and keep
              before the lling to ensure the   the corners and up and over the sides.   pastry is set, then remove the   it wrapped and chilled
              base is fully cooked before   Prick the base with a fork to prevent   beans and paper and bake for   until needed. Or why
              adding the lling. The pastry   it from pung up while baking. Line   a further 5 minutes, until the   not make a double
              shell can be made hours ahead   the pastry with baking parchment or   base is fully cooked. Trim any   batch of pastry and
              or even a day before, then   foil and ll with ceramic baking beans,   overlapping pastry around the   freeze half for another
              kept covered and used when   dried beans or dried pulses. This helps   edges to give a tidy nish before   time?
              convenient.             keep the sides from falling in.  adding the lling of your choice.
                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  43

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