Page 46 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 46

shoope ies & arts

                                        Pear tarte tatin
                                               SERVES 8

             4 to 6 ripe pears   Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6.  Roll out the pastry until it’s 3mm
             100g caster sugar  Peel and core the pears, then cut into   to 4mm thick. Using a large plate
             50g cold butter, diced  quarters along their length. Set aside.  or bowl and a sharp knife, cut out a
             1 x 500g pack of Jus-Rol                      circle that’s 3cm to 4cm larger than
               puff pastry, thawed  Put the caster sugar in a 23cm to   the pan. Prick the surface with a fork
             softly whipped cream or   26cm ovenproof pan and place over a   and lift it onto the pears, tucking the
               vanilla ice cream, to   medium-high heat. As the sugar starts   excess pastry in around the fruit.
               serve           to caramelise, swirl the pan to mix the                         DANGER!
                               caramel with the rest of the sugar. Don’t   Bake in the centre of the oven for   As this dish has hot
                               be tempted to stir it or the sugar won’t   25 to 30 minutes, until the pastry is   melted sugar as a key
                               caramelise. When the caramel reaches   golden brown and cooked through.   ingredient, this is not a
                               a deep golden colour, take the pan off   Allow to cool in the pan for 5 to   good dish to make with
                               the heat and add the diced butter. Swirl   10 minutes, until the caramel has   children around.
                               again to mix, being careful of the butter   cooled and thickened. Being careful
                               spattering.                 to protect your hands and wrists
                                                           with a tea towel, place a plate large
                               Add the pears to the caramel, put the   enough to fit the tart on top of the
                               pan back on the heat and simmer for 4   pan and quickly flip it over. Lift the
                               to 5 minutes to cook the pears, reducing   pan gently off the tart. If any pieces
                               the heat a little if necessary. Set aside for   have been dislodged, rearrange
                               5 minutes for the caramel to cool before   them into a nice pattern. Serve with
                               arranging the pears in a floral pattern.
                                                           softly whipped cream or vanilla ice
                                                           cream on the side.

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