Page 52 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 52


                                    Spiced pumpkin placki
                                               SERVES 4 TO 5

             200g pumpkin, peeled,    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon  Combine the pumpkin with
               deseeded and fi nely grated,   ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg  the  our, soured cream and   A new take on
               or use potato or tins of   rapeseed oil         spices.                    Polish placki
               pumpkin instead        fresh blackberries, to serve  Heat a little rapeseed   Placki are blinis’ Polish cousin. They
             50g plain fl our          toasted almonds, to serve  oil in a frying pan. Once   have the same  at, round shape and
             2 tablespoons soured cream,   honey, to serve     hot, place a tablespoon   size as blinis. You can make them
               plus extra to serve
                                                               of batter in the pan and   from potatoes and onion to have
                                                                atten it out. Fry four or   with savoury things. This version
                                                                ve pancakes at a time   has been re-imagined with spiced
                                                               for 3 to 4 minutes on each   pumpkin. As they’re on the sweet
                                                               side. Keep them warm in   side they’ll work well with a salty
                                                               the oven until ready to eat.  contrast of sausages and savoury
                                                               Serve three or four placki   scrambled eggs.
                                                               on each plate with some
                                                               extra soured cream and
                                                               fresh blackberries on the
                                                               side, with some toasted
                                                               almonds and a drizzle of
                                                               honey on top.

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