Page 67 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 67

myfavrite   ings

                                                                               Plum chutney

                                                                                  MAKES APPROX. 2KG
                      Gluten free                                  1kg plums, halved, stoned and g plums, halved, stoned and   1 tablespoon black mustard
                                                                     fi nely chopped
                                                                     fi nely chopped         seeds
                                                                   100g dried cranberries or raisins,
                                                                   100g dried cranberries or raisins,   1 tablespoon ground cumin
                                                                     roughly chopped
                                                                     roughly chopped       1 tablespoon paprika
                                                                   3 onions, fi nely chopped  1 teaspoon chilli fl akes
                                                                   3 onions, fi nely chopped
                                                                   2 garlic cloves, crushed
                                                                   2 garlic cloves, crushed  2 whole star anise
                                                                   400ml red wine vinegar
                                                                   400ml red wine vinegar   500g light muscovado sugar
                                                                   1 tablespoon fi nely grated fresh
                                                                   1 tablespoon fi nely grated fresh   2 teaspoons salt
                                                                   P Put the plums, cranberries, onions, garlic, vinegar, ginger and spices ut the plums, cranberries, onions, garlic, vinegar, ginger and spices
                                                                   in a lar
                                                                   in a large saucepan and stir well. Slowly bring to the boil, then reduce ge saucepan and stir well. Slowly bring to the boil, then reduce
                                                                   the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, until the plums are t, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, until the plums are
                                                                   the hea
                                                                   t tender.ender.
                                                                   Stir in the sugar and salt and keep stirring until it has dissolved. Boil
                                                                   Stir in the sugar and salt and keep stirring until it has dissolved. Boil
                                                                   the chutney for 20 to 30 minutes, uncovered, until it is thick and
                                                                   the chutney for 20 to 30 minutes, uncovered, until it is thick and
                                                                   pulpy. Stir occasionally to prevent it from catching on the bottom.
                                                                   pulpy. Stir occasionally to prevent it from catching on the bottom.
                                                                   Remove the star anise with a teaspoon.
                                                                   Remove the star anise with a teaspoon.
                                                                   Pot into sterilised jars, seal, label and store for at least two weeks
                                                                   Pot into sterilised jars, seal, label and store for at least two weeks
                                                                   before eating. This will keep for up to six months in a cool dark place.
                                                                   before eating. This will keep for up to six months in a cool dark place.
                                 WH                          ’’
                                 WHEN IM
                                 WHEN IM FEELING SAD

                The rich taste of brandy butt  er is a favourite fl avour of Christmas, so a gift of brandy butt  er will  chee  r anybody up!

                                                                                            Brandy butter

                                                                                                 MAKES 330G
                 Gluten free                                                               150g unsalted butter, softened

                                                                                            90g light muscovado sugar
                                                                                                90g icing sugar
                                                                                              3 tablespoons brandy

                                                                                        Put all the ingredients into a bowl and beat
                                                                                        until smooth. Place on a sheet of cling  lm
                                                                                       and roll into a cylinder shape approximately
                                                                                       30.5cm long. Roll up and put in the fridge to
                                                                                              set and use as required.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  65

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