Page 65 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 65

myfavrite ings
                                                 myfavrite   ings

                Chocolate chip cookies
                       MAKES 30 TO 40 COOKIES

             225g butter, softened  50g gluten-free coconut
             150g demerara sugar  fl our
             100g coconut palm sugar   1 teaspoon baking soda
               or caster sugar  ½ teaspoon gluten-free
             ½ teaspoon vanilla   baking powder
               extract or seeds of 1   ½ teaspoon xanthan     WHEN the dog bites
               vanilla pod, split in   gum
               half lengthways and   pinch of salt                                             When
               seeds scraped out  125g gluten-free white                                    little tears need
             2 eggs, separated   chocolate drops                                         to be dried, these cookies
             300g gluten-free self-  125g gluten-free dark                            are the perfect treat. The dough
               raising fl our     chocolate drops                                      will keep for up to a week in the
                                                                                     fridge or you can freeze it. Form the
 Blue satin sashes
             Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.                                  dough into a cylindrical shape and wrap
             Using the paddle attachment of your food mixer, cream                  in cling  lm, then put in the fridge until
             the butter, demerara sugar and coconut palm sugar                       required. Slice the dough into circles
             together until the mixture is light and  u y. This should              1cm thick, put the slices on a non-
             take about 5 minutes. Mix in the vanilla, then add the                    stick baking tray and bake in
             egg yolks and mix to combine.                                                    the oven.
             Sift the self-raising  our, coconut  our, baking soda,
             baking powder, xanthan gum and a pinch of salt
             together in a large bowl. Add half the egg whites along
             with half the  our mixture to the creamed butter and
             sugar mixture and combine. Repeat with the remaining
             egg whites and  our mixture until fully combined,   Gluten free
             scraping down the sides of the bowl during the process.
             Add the chocolate drops and mix through.
             Break o  small amounts of dough, brie y roll between
             the palms of your hands and place on a non-stick baking
             tray. Bake in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes, depending
             on the size, until the cookies are light brown in colour.   WHEN THE
             Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the tray.
             You can store the cookies for up to a week in an airtight
                                                                 BEE STINGS

                                                                Distraction is often the best medicine with children, and these
                                                                biscuits are ideal to make with them when little tempers are
                                                                frayed, as they can decorate the biscuits with icing.

                                                                    Ginger shortbread biscuits
                                                                              MAKES 12 TO 15 BISCUITS

                                                           200g gluten-free plain   Preheat the oven to 160°C/gas mark 3. Line a
                                                             white fl our       baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
                                                           150g butter, softened   Mix the  our, butter, sugar and vanilla seeds
                                                           75g caster sugar, plus   together to form a crumb mix. Add the chopped
                                                             extra for dusting  ginger, or the chopped pistachios or lemon zest
                                                           1 vanilla pod, split in   if you are using either of those instead, and bring
                    Gluten free                              half lengthways and   together to form a dough. Roll into a cylinder and
                                                             seeds scraped out
                                                           40g crystallised ginger,   cut into circles 1cm thick. Place on the lined baking
                                                             chopped, or 20g   tray.
                                                             chopped pistachios   Bake in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until  rm to
                                                             or the zest of 1 lemon  the touch and pale in colour. Leave to cool directly
                                                                               on the tray and dust with caster sugar until fully
                                                                               Store the biscuits in an airtight container and use
                                                                               within a week.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  63

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