Page 66 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 66

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             SUPERVALU LOVES
             IRISH CRAFTS
             The warm woollen mittens in this feature
             were knitted by Liadain Aiken of LA Products,
             who combines a strong sustainable ethos
             with great attention to detail to products
             traditionally spun using merino wool from



                                               MAKES ABOUT 50

                 185g icing sugar     Mix the icing sugar and ground   Meanwhile, to make the ganache,
                 185g ground almonds  almonds together in a bowl, then   bring the cream to the boil in a
                 1 to 2 teaspoons food   add your chosen colour,  avouring   medium-sized saucepan. Remove
                   colouring          and 75g egg whites and mix well.   from the heat, add the white
                 1 teaspoon fl avouring of   To make a sugar syrup, put the   chocolate drops and mix well, until
                   your choice                                smooth. Transfer to a piping bag
                 75g egg whites, about 2   caster sugar and cold water in a   and chill in the fridge.
                   eggs               saucepan set over a medium-high
                 250g caster sugar    heat and simmer until it reaches   Preheat the oven to 130°C/gas
                 60ml cold water      120°C on a candy thermometer.  mark ½.
                 90g egg whites, about 3   Meanwhile, whisk the remaining   Bake in the oven for 12 minutes.                                                                  ’
                   eggs               90g egg whites until light and   Allow to cool on the tray before
                                       u y. Gradually add the sugar   you remove them.                                                           WHEN IM FEELING SAD
                 FOR THE WHITE CHOCOLATE   syrup to the egg whites while   To assemble, pipe some ganache
                   GANACHE FILLING    mixing at a medium speed. Keep   on the  at side of half of the
                 100ml cream          mixing until it’s cold. Fold this into   macaroons, then sandwich them
                 250g gluten-free white   the almond mixture, then transfer   together.
                   chocolate drops    to a piping bag with a round
                                      Pipe small rounds onto silicone
                                      mats or baking trays lined with
                                      non-stick baking paper. Allow to
                                      stand at room temperature for 1

                                                                                         Gluten free

                                                                        TOP TIP
                                                                 Ideally you’ll need  ve
                                                             silicone mats or  ve baking
                                                             trays for this recipe, but you
                                                              can make these in batches
                                                                         if needed.

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