Page 72 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 72

new flvrs fo e Nw Yar

                                                                           Mini broccoli quiches

                                      FREEZER TIP                                      MAKES 4
                              These are perfect for freezing, so make a   FOR THE PASTRY  FOR THE FILLING
                             double batch and freeze some for future use.   175g plain flour, plus extra for   300g broccoli, cut into 2cm pieces
                            Remove from the freezer, defrost overnight in   dusting      1 tablespoon light olive oil
                             the fridge and heat through before serving.  75g cold unsalted butter,   1 garlic clove, crushed
                                                                     cubed               freshly ground black pepper
                                                                   1 to 2 tablespoons cold water  250g crème fraîche
                                                                   light olive oil, for greasing  4 eggs
                                                                   handful of dried beans, rice or   8 sun-dried tomatoes in oil,
                                                                     lentils, for blind baking  drained and finely chopped
                                                                   To make the pastry, sift the flour   beans, dried rice or lentils also work
                                                                   into a large bowl and rub in   well.
                                                                   the butter until you have a soft   Bake in the oven for 10 minutes,
                                                                   texture. Pour in 1 tablespoon   then remove the beans and bake
                                                                   of cold water and mix until   for a further 5 minutes. Remove
                                                                   you have a firm dough, adding   from the oven and reduce the
                                                                   another tablespoon of water if   temperature to 180°C/gas mark 4.
                                                                   needed to bring it together. Roll   To make the filling, blanch the
                                                                   into a ball, wrap in cling film   broccoli in boiling water for 1
                                                                   and place in the fridge for 30   minute, then drain and pat dry with
                                                                                         a clean towel.
                                                                   Preheat the oven to 190°C/  Heat the oil in a small frying pan set
                                                                   gas mark 5. Oil four holes of a   over a medium-low heat. Add the
                                                                   cupcake tin and dust with flour,   garlic and sauté for 1 minute. Season
                                                                   then tap out the excess.
                                                                                         with a little black pepper.
                                                                   Remove the pastry from the
                                                                   fridge and roll it out on a lightly   Put the crème fraîche and eggs in a
                                                                   floured work surface. Stamp   large bowl and beat until smooth,
                                                                   out four circles and line the four   then add the broccoli and garlic and
                                                                   prepared holes of the cupcake   stir in the sun-dried tomatoes.
                                                                   tin with the pastry. Place a small   Spoon the filling into the pastry
                                                                   square of greaseproof paper   cases and bake in the oven for 20
                                                                   in each one and fill with dried   to 25 minutes, until set and golden
                                                                   beans. If you don’t have dried   on top.

                          Pumpkin seed buns

                                  MAKES 12 BUNS
             olive oil, for greasing  FOR THE PUMPKIN SEED PESTO
             150g self-raising wholemeal flour  60g pumpkin seed butter
             150g strong white flour   30g pumpkin seeds
             2 teaspoons caster sugar  1 garlic clove, crushed
             1 teaspoon baking powder  handful of fresh basil leaves
             30g cold butter, diced   2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
             150ml milk                 cheese
             115g Cheddar cheese, grated  2 tablespoons light olive oil
             1 beaten egg, to glaze   1 teaspoon lemon juice
             Preheat the oven to 190°C/gas mark   work surface for a few minutes, until
             5. Lightly grease a 20cm round   smooth. Roll out the dough to make
             shallow cake tin with olive oil.  one large rectangle.
             To make your pesto, put all the   Spread the pesto over the dough and
             ingredients in a blender and blitz to   sprinkle the grated Cheddar cheese on
             form a coarse paste.     top. Roll up the dough like a Swiss roll.
                                      Cut into 12 slices and put in the greased
             To make the buns, mix the flours,                        SUPERVALU LOVES IRISH CRAFTS
             sugar and baking powder together   cake tin in a single layer, swirl side up,   The children’s bows throughout this feature were created by
             in a large bowl. Rub in the butter   so they are touching each other. Brush   Nikki Whelan in Dublin using quality fabrics that were sourced
             with your fingertips, then stir in the   with the beaten egg.   to meet the delicate needs of babies’ heads and soft hair.
                                                                     The range changes throughout the year, reflecting different
             milk and mix to form a soft dough.   Bake in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes,   themes and seasons.
             Knead the dough on a lightly floured   until golden brown.
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