Page 71 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 71

new flvrs fo e Nw Yar new flvrs fo e Nw Yar

                                    Butternut squash scones

                                                  MAKES 8

                light olive oil, for greasing  Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark   Tip the dough out onto a lightly
                250g butternut squash,   6. Lightly grease a baking sheet with   floured work surface and knead
                  peeled and cubed       olive oil.                again just to bring the dough
                300g wholemeal self-raising   Put your butternut squash in a   together. Pat it down into a circle
                  flour, plus extra for dusting  steamer and cook for 15 minutes,   about 2.5cm thick and stamp out   LITTLE HELPERS
                1 tablespoon baking powder  until tender. Remove from the   eight scones using a scone cutter.   This is a great way to
                1 teaspoon caster sugar  steamer and mash until smooth.  Put the scones on the greased   get some nutritious
                60g butter, cubed                                  baking sheet and brush with a little
                50g mozzarella cheese, grated  Combine the flour, baking powder   milk. Sprinkle with the Parmesan   vegetables into your
                1 egg, beaten            and sugar in a bowl. Rub the butter   cheese and gently press some   child’s meal and they’ll
                milk, to glaze           into the mixture with your fingertips   pumpkin seeds on top.   love to help make
                2 tablespoons grated     until you get fine crumbs. Stir in the                them too.
                  Parmesan cheese        mashed butternut squash and the   Bake in the oven for 20 minutes,
                pumpkin seeds, to garnish  mozzarella. Add the beaten egg and   until golden. Serve warm.
                                         knead to form a soft dough.

                                                  Leek & Potato or Tomato & Basil Soup.

                      Serve these butternut squash scones with a ready-made pea soup or try SuperValu Carrot & Coriander, Chicken & Veg,

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  69

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