Page 64 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 64

myfavrite ings
                                                 myfavrite   ings

                                                                              Gluten free

                        Blue satin sashes

                                                                                Mince pies

                                                                                    MAKES 24

                                                                   FOR THE PASTRY          FOR THE FILLING
                                                                   225g gluten-free plain white   200g butter, softened
                                                                     fl our blend, plus extra for   200g icing sugar
                                                                     dusting               200g ground almonds
                                                                   50g icing sugar         40g gluten-free plain white fl our
                                                                   1 teaspoon xanthan gum  4 eggs, separated
                                                                   150g cold butter, cubed  600g mincemeat
                                                                   1 egg, beaten           fl aked almonds, to decorate,

                                                                   To make the pastry, mix the   Once lined, return to the fridge for
                                                                    our, icing sugar and xanthan   20 to 30 minutes to chill to reduce
                                                                   gum together in a large bowl.   the possibility of shrinkage.
                                                                   Rub in the cold butter with your   Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas
                                                                    ngertips until the mixture   mark 4.
                                                                   resembles  ne breadcrumbs. It’s
                                                                   important that the butter is cold   While the pastry is chilling, you can
                                                                   and not at room temperature,   prepare the frangipane. Cream the
                                                                   as the pastry will be tough if the   butter and icing sugar together in a
                                                                   butter is soft.       food mixer until light and  u y.
                                                                                         Mix the ground almonds and  our
                                                                   Make a well in the centre of the   together in a separate bowl.
                                                                   pastry and add the beaten egg.
                                                                   Combine all the ingredients by   Add the egg yolks to the butter
                                                                   hand, but try to work quickly   mixture along with half the  our
                                                                   to prevent the pastry from   mixture and combine well. Add the
                                    KITCHEN SWOT                   becoming too greasy. This   egg whites along with the remaining
                                                                   mixture can be quite wet when    our and mix well again, stopping to
                               This sweet shortcrust pastry can be                       scrape down the sides of the bowl
                               used as a base for many recipes. This   it’s mixed, but once it’s rested   occasionally.
                              recipe is typical of any shortcrust pastry   it’s easy to use.
                                 in that it may appear a little wet   Once combined, form the   Once the pastry cases have rested
                                when made and will need to rest    dough into a ball, wrap in cling   and chilled, remove them from
                                    for an hour before use.         lm and leave to rest for at least   the fridge and place a spoonful of
                                                                   1 hour in the fridge.   mincemeat into each of the cases,
                                                                                         followed by a large teaspoon of
                                                                   Remove the pastry from the
                                                                   fridge, roll it out on a lightly   frangipane on top. You can sprinkle
                                                                    oured work surface and stamp   with  aked almonds as decoration
                                                                   out discs to line bun tins or   if you wish. Bake in the oven for 15
                                                                   individual mini mu  n tins.   minutes.

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