Page 61 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 61

slo flvrs fo a livs

                  Baked pears with
                maple syrup, orange,                                                            BRESSIE SAYS
               vanilla and cardamom

                          SERVES 4

              4 cardamom pods
              4 tablespoons maple syrup                                                    This is ideal for a gang of friends if
              1 large orange, zest and juice                                               you cook the pork the day before,
              1 vanilla pod, cut in half lengthways and seeds                               then do the other elements just
               scraped out                                                                 before serving. You can use shop-
              4 ripe pears, peeled                                                         bought tortilla chips to save time.
              100g hazelnuts
              250ml mascarpone cheese
              small handful of fresh mint leaves, optional
              Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.
                                                                                             pulled pork
              Break open the cardamom pods and either bash
              the seeds in a pestle and mortar or blitz until fi ne                          with paprika
              in a spice grinder. In a small bowl, whisk together
              half the ground cardamom with 3 tablespoons of                                  and chilli
              the maple syrup, the juice of half the orange and                                  SERVES 8
              half the vanilla seeds.              Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.
              Cut the pears in half lengthways and remove the   Put the pork shoulder in a large casserole, skin side up.
              cores using the tip of a teaspoon. Lay the pears in   Combine 1 tablespoon of the brown sugar with the   2.5kg boneless pork shoulder
              a snug layer in a small ovenproof dish, cut side up,   paprika, garlic granules, chilli powder, cumin and salt in a   3 tablespoons dark brown sugar
              and drizzle with the maple syrup mixture. Add the   small bowl. Rub this spice mix all over the pork, then pour   2 tablespoons smoked paprika
              scraped-out vanilla pod to the dish too. Bake in the   the cider over and around the pork. Cover with a lid and   1 tablespoon garlic granules
              oven for 30 minutes, until the pears are tender and   cook in the oven for 4 hours, until tender and falling apart.   1 tablespoon chilli powder
              releasing their juices.              Slice a small amount off  the top of the garlic bulb, just   1 tablespoon ground cumin
                                                                                           2 teaspoons sea salt
              While the pears are baking, put the hazelnuts   enough to expose the cloves. Wrap in tin foil and place in   1 x 500ml bottle of cider
              on another tray and roast in the oven for 8 to 10   the oven for the last 45 minutes of the cooking time.   1 garlic bulb
              minutes, until their skins are starting to come   When the pork comes out of the oven, it’s time to make   1 teaspoon sunfl ower oil
              loose and they’re beginning to turn golden. Tip   the tortilla chips. Combine the garlic granules and salt in a   4 tablespoons ketchup
              into a clean tea towel and wrap up so that none   small bowl. Cut the tortillas in half, then cut each half into   3 tablespoons dark soy sauce
              of the hazelnuts can escape. Bash on a counter to   quarters to make 48 chips. Put the chips on three large   salt and pepper
              loosen the skins, then pick out the ones that are   baking trays, brush with the oil and sprinkle with the garlic
              peeled and set aside. Repeat the process until they   salt. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, until crisp and   FOR THE TORTILLA CHIPS
              are all peeled, then roughly chop.   golden.                                 1 teaspoon garlic
              When the pears are almost baked, combine   While the tortillas are cooking, put the frozen corn in a jug
              the mascarpone with the orange zest and the   and cover with boiling water. Leave to sit for 2 minutes to   1 teaspoon fl aky sea salt
              remaining juice, ground cardamom and vanilla   allow the corn to soften, then drain and pat dry on kitchen   6 wholegrain tortillas
              seeds and the last tablespoon of maple syrup. Mix   paper. Heat the oil in a large pan set over a high heat,   1 tablespoon sunfl ower oil
              until smooth.                        add the corn and fry for 4 to 5 minutes, until it has caught   TO SERVE
              Serve the pears warm in bowls topped with a   some colour and charred.       150g frozen sweetcorn
              dollop of cardamom mascarpone and some   Take the meat out of the casserole, leaving the liquid   2 teaspoons sunfl ower oil
              crushed hazelnuts. Decorate with fresh mint leaves   behind. Pull the fat off , but be careful, as it will be hot. Pull   2 ripe avocados
              if liked.                            the meat apart using two forks and discard any pieces of   3 limes
                                                   fat. Put the casserole on the hob on a medium heat. Add   boiled rice
                                                   the ketchup, soy sauce and the remaining 2 tablespoons   large handful of fresh coriander
                                                   of brown sugar. Simmer for 4 to 5 minutes, until slightly   leaves
                                                   reduced. Add the meat back to the casserole and toss to
                                                   coat, then season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to
                                                   a serving bowl.                        QUICK
                                                   Once the roasted garlic has cooked and cooled, squeeze   SWAP
                                                   the cloves out of the bulb into a mini blender and discard   Save time
                                                   any of the skin. Add the avocado and the juice of one lime   and swap the
                                                   and season with salt. Blend until completely smooth. Cut   homemade
                                                   the remaining two limes into wedges.
                                                                                          tortilla chips
                                                   Serve the pulled pork with the tortilla chips, charred   for SuperValu
                                                   sweetcorn, avocado sauce and boiled rice on the side.   Tortilla Chips,
                                                   Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and lime wedges for   100g, €1 each.
                                                   squeezing over.

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