Page 60 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 60

slo flvrs fo a livs

                Slow-cooked beef ragù with fresh gnocchi, baby
                            spinach and Cheddar cheese
                                            SERVES 6

             2 tablespoons olive oil   Heat the oil in a large saucepan set   the beef is cooked and tender.
             1.5kg beef brisket, cut in four   over a high heat. Pat the beef dry,   Remove the beef from the pan and
               pieces                 season with salt and pepper and
             salt and pepper          fry two pieces at a time for 4 to 5   shred it onto a plate using forks. Put
             1 onion, finely chopped   minutes on all sides, until browned.   the pan back on the heat without the
             4 garlic cloves, minced  Remove from the pan and cook the   lid and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes,
             4 sprigs of fresh thyme  other two pieces the same way.   until the sauce has slightly reduced.
             1 bay leaf                                         Add the gnocchi to the pan along
             2 x 400g tins of chopped tomatoes  Add the beef back to the pan along   with the shredded beef. Cook for 2   TOP TIP
             2 tablespoons tomato purée   with the onion, garlic, thyme and bay   minutes or according to the gnocchi   This is great to use as leftovers.
             250ml red wine           leaf. Sauté for a further 5 minutes,   packet instructions. Add the spinach   The beef can be used on
             750g fresh gnocchi       adding a pinch of salt to help soften   and half the cheese and stir through.   sandwiches or tossed through
             75g baby spinach         the onion. Stir through the tomatoes,   Transfer to a serving bowl and serve   pasta the next day for lunch.
             100g mature Cheddar cheese,   tomato purée and red wine. Bring to   the remaining cheese on the side for   You can use pasta instead of
               grated                 the boil, then reduce the heat, cover   sprinkling over.  gnocchi here too.
                                      and simmer gently for 2 hours, until

            IRISH CRAFTS
            The Irish beech chopping boards in this feature
            were created by Makers & Brothers. Sourced
            from fallen rather then freshly cut wood, they
            are kinder to our native forests. Each piece varies
            in colour and is cleverly edge-cut at a 45° angle
            for ease of handling.


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