Page 58 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 58

slo flvrs fo a livs

                 Beetroot, chickpea
                   and feta fritters

                          SERVES 4

             1 x 400g tin of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
             1 bunch of spring onions, thinly sliced
             3 x 250g packs of cooked beetroot, roughly grated
             200g feta cheese, crumbled
             3 free-range eggs, lightly beaten
             2 tablespoons rice flour
             2 tablespoons olive oil
             pinch of saffron
             2 teaspoons warm water
             salt and pepper
             200ml crème fraîche
             TO GARNISH                                TIP
             small handful of fresh dill sprigs and/or mint
               leaves                                  The burgers can be
                                                       made in advance
             Put the saffron in a small bowl with the warm water   and frozen, then
             and leave to infuse while you make the fritters.   cooked when ready
                                                       to use. Just be sure
             Put the chickpeas in a large bowl. Using a potato
             masher or the back of a fork, crush until slightly   to thaw the meat
             broken up. Stir through two of the thinly sliced   completely before
             spring onions along with the beetroot, feta, eggs   cooking.
             and flour.
             Heat the oil in a large frying pan set over a medium
             heat. Add four large spoonfuls of the fritter mixture
             to the pan. Shape into four round fritters and flatten   Courgette and fennel chicken burgers with
             slightly. Fry for 4 to 5 minutes on each side, until
             cooked and golden, then transfer to a plate. Fry the    creamy avocado sauce
             fritters in batches until the mixture is all used up.
             You should get 12 fritters in total.                               SERVES 4
             When the fritters are ready and the saffron has   400g chicken or turkey mince  To make the slaw, whisk together the oil, vinegar,
             infused and cooled, strain the strands from the   50g fresh white breadcrumbs   honey, mustard and lemon zest in a large bowl.
             infused liquid, season the water with salt and   1 small courgette, roughly grated  Set the lemon juice aside for the avocado sauce.
             pepper and mix this through the crème fraîche to   1 egg, lightly beaten  Add the shaved fennel and cabbage and toss to
             create a marbled effect.                  ½ teaspoon fennel seeds, toasted  coat. Season to taste, then set aside.
                                                      ¼ teaspoon ground cumin
             Serve the fritters on a plate with a drizzle of the   1 tablespoon olive oil   Combine all the burger ingredients except the
             saffron crème fraîche and scatter over the remaining                 oil in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper
             sliced spring onions and fresh herbs.                               and mix until evenly combined. Shape into four
                                                      FOR THE SLAW               large patties 10cm in diameter and 1.25cm thick,
                                                      4 tablespoons olive oil
                                                      2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar  placing on a tray lined with baking parchment as
                                                      1 tablespoon honey         you go.
                                                      ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard   Put a large pan over a medium-low heat and
                                                      1 lemon, zest and juice    add the oil. Add the burgers and cook for 6 to 8
                                                      1 fennel bulb, thinly shaved  minutes on each side, until golden and cooked
                                                      ¼ red cabbage, thinly shaved  through.
             FRZER TIP                               salt and pepper            While these are cooking, scoop the avocado into

             Freeze the cooked fritters in between sheets   TO SERVE             a mini blender. Add the reserved lemon juice and
                                                                                 melted coconut oil and blend until smooth, then
             of parchment paper in a freezer bag to save   1 ripe avocado, stoned and halved  season to taste with salt. The sauce should be
             on space and to make it easier to defrost   1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted   thick and creamy.
             and reheat individual fritters.         4 seeded buns, toasted
                                                                                 Once the burgers are cooked, spread the avocado
                                                                                 sauce across the burger bun base. Top with some
                                                                                 slaw, a burger and another dollop of avocado
                        Pictured overleaf                                        sauce, then add the burger bun top. Serve the
                                                                                 rest of the slaw and avocado sauce on the side
                                                                                 and dig in.
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