Page 55 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 55


                                                  Iraqi eggs with lamb

                                                            SERVES 4

                 2 tablespoons rapeseed oil  Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas   curry powder and some salt   dropping them into the little
                                                                      and pepper. Cook until the
                 450g minced lamb     mark 6.
                 1 onion, fi nely chopped  Heat the oil in an ovenproof frying   tomatoes have broken down,   Pop in the oven to bake. If
                 5 tablespoons fi nely   pan or a shallow casserole dish that   about 5 minutes.  you like your eggs runny,
                   chopped fresh fl at-leaf   can be brought to the table. Add   Take the pan o  the heat   they’ll be done in about 5
                   parsley            the minced lamb and cook on a   and make four hollows in   minutes. If you like them
                 4 tomatoes, diced    medium heat for about 4 minutes,   the lamb mix for the eggs. A   harder, then 8 minutes will
                 1 lemon, juice only  until it browns, making sure not   large dessertspoon should   do it.
                 1 teaspoon curry powder  to leave any big lumps. Add the   do the trick. Don’t crack the   Garnish with the chilli  akes
                 salt and pepper      onion and cook but don’t brown. It   eggs directly into the hollows,   and remaining parsley. Serve
                 4 large eggs         should become translucent. Add 4   but rather break them into   with  atbread or naan bread
                 1 teaspoon chilli fl akes                             a cup  rst and remove any   on the side.
                 fl atbread or naan bread, to   tablespoons of the parsley, setting   stray eggshell before gently
                   serve              1 tablespoon aside for garnish.
                                      Add the tomatoes, lemon juice,

                                                                                      THE FERTILE CRESCENT
                                                                                        The lands we know today as
                                                                                      Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
                                                                                       Lebanon, Palestine and Syria as
                                                                                      well as the edges of Turkey and Iran
                                                                                      are collectively known as the Fertile
                                                                                       Crescent. The relative fertility of
                                                                                      the land and its role as the cradle of
                                                                                      civilisation means there are many
                                                                                      shared food traditions that stretch
                                                                                       across these cultures, especially
              SUPERVALU LOVES IRISH CRAFTS                                             dishes that use lamb, eggs and
              The watch in this feature was designed and hand built by NTN                      spices.
              Studios in Dublin. Made in small quantities by hand, from the
              setting of the hands to the vegetable-tanned leather hides, to
              create honest products with longevity.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  53

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