Page 54 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 54


                                                                     Crumpets with jam and butter

                                                                                      MAKES 12

                                                                   400ml milk              ½ teaspoon baking soda
                                                 TOP               100ml tepid water       1 teaspoon fi ne sea salt
                                                 CRUMPET TIP       1 tablespoon dried yeast  vegetable oil
                                                 You can make      1 teaspoon caster sugar  softened butter, to serve
                                                 these in advance   300g plain fl our       jam, to serve
                                                 and then toast the
                                                 crumpets lightly   Warm the milk in a saucepan   for 45 minutes, until you start to
                                                 on both sides just   set over a low to medium heat.   see little bubbles on the top.
                                                 before serving.   Transfer to a large mixing bowl   Thoroughly oil four 10cm egg
                                                                   with the tepid water, then add   rings with the vegetable oil and
                                                                   the yeast and sugar. After about   put a little oil in a large frying pan
                                                                   15 minutes it should all be   set over a medium-high heat.
                                                                   dissolved and the liquid should   Arrange the egg rings in the frying
                                                                   have become frothy.    pan. Once the pan has heated up,
                                                                   Sift the  our, baking soda   place 4 tablespoons of batter in
                                                                   and salt into a separate clean,   each ring and cook for 5 minutes,
                                                                   dry bowl. Create a well in the   until you start to see bubbles on
                                                                   middle, then pour in your yeast   the top. When the bubbles burst,
                                                                   and milk mixture. Start to whisk   leaving the distinctive little holes
                                                                   from the middle outwards,   on top of the crumpet, lift o
                                                                   combining all the ingredients   the rings with a tongs and turn
                                                                   until you have the consistency   the crumpets. Cook for a further
                                                                   of double cream. You may need   minute on the other side, until
                             Pan de Mallorca                       to add a little water, but it will   golden.
                             Pan de Mallorca
                                                                   take a few minutes to reach the   You’ll need to oil the pan and rings
                                     MAKES 8                       consistency you want.  again before cooking the next lot.
                 120ml tepid water      4 large egg yolks          Cover the bowl with a clean,   Serve the crumpets warm with lots
                 ½ tablespoon dried yeast  1 teaspoon salt         damp tea towel and set aside   of butter and jam.
                 120ml milk             1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                 115g butter, melted, plus extra   375g plain fl our
                  for brushing          apricot jam, to serve                  PUERTO RICAN
                 70g caster sugar                                              BREAD ROLLS
                                                                              Pan de Mallorca are light,
                 Put the tepid water and yeast in a   shrink in size. Refrigerate for 2 hours   sweet bread rolls from Puerto
                 large mixing bowl, mix together   or overnight. If you’re stuck for time   Rico, popular for breakfast and
                 and set aside. The yeast should   you can leave out the chilling step,   throughout the day. They get their
                 dissolve and activate in about 5   but the chilling does makes the   name from a similar bread found
                 minutes. Add the milk, melted   dough easier to handle.   on the Spanish island of Majorca.
                 butter, sugar, egg yolks, salt and   Roll the dough out into a rectangle
                 vanilla, whisking lightly to combine.   about 5mm thick. Using a little
                 The next step is best done with a   extra melted butter, brush the top
                 dough hook on a food mixer, but   and then make eight long strips
                 you can do it by hand too. Add the   of dough using a sharp knife. Each
                  our and knead until it just comes   strip will be the individual bunthat
                 together into a dough. If making by   you make by twisting the strip into
                 hand, mix with a wooden spoon to   a circular shape, then slipping the
                 begin and then knead by hand. Add   end underneath the bun.
                 a little extra  our if it’s very sticky,   Put the individual buns on a baking
                 but it should be quite ‘gloopy’   tray lined with non-stick baking
                 rather than dry.        paper and leave to rise for about 45
                 Place a clean damp cloth over the   minutes.
                 dough and allow to rise in a warm   Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas
                 place for about 2 hours, until the   mark 3.
                 dough has doubled in volume.   Bake the buns in the oven for 12 to
                 Punch the dough down and knead   18 minutes, until they are lightly
                 again for a couple of minutes. This   browned. Leave to cool. Serve with
                 is called knocking back and it will
                                         apricot jam.

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