Page 40 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 40

fireside treats, unplugged

                                                                                            Oaty cheese

                                                                                              MAKES 20 STRAWS

                                                                                        300g plain fl our, plus extra for
                                                                                        50g Cheddar cheese, chopped
                                                                                        25g Parmesan cheese, chopped
                                                                                        25g oats
                                                                                        ½ teaspoon paprika
                                                                                        150g cold butter, diced
                                                                                        1 egg, beaten

                                                                                        Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6.
                                                                                        Line two baking sheets with non-stick
                                                                                        baking paper.
                                                                                        Put the fl our, cheeses, oats and paprika
                                                                                        in the bowl of a food processor and
                                                                                        blitz until well incorporated. Add
                                                                                        the butter and blitz until it all comes
                                                                                        together into a dough.
                                                                                        Roll out the dough on a fl oured surface,
                                                                                        forming a rectangle about 1cm thick.
                                                                                        Slice into 1cm sticks and place on the
                                                                                        lined baking sheets. Brush the straws
                                                                                        with the beaten egg and bake in the
                                                                                        oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden.

                                                                                          Candied citrus

                                                                                               MAKES ABOUT 25
                NO-BAKE TIP                                                             2 tangerines
                These no-bake mini desserts are an ideal recipe to make with kids. You   2 limes
                can posh them up too with pomegranate seeds, fresh blueberries or a     1 lemon
                drizzle of melted chocolate for an extra touch of luxury.               400g caster sugar
                                                                                        400ml water
                                                                                        50g dark chocolate, melted
                               Individual cheesecakes                                   50g white chocolate, melted

                                          MAKES 12                                      Leaving the peel on, cut the fruits into
                                                                                        1cm rounds.
             200g cream cheese        Beat together the cream cheese, icing sugar and the lemon zest   Bring the sugar and water to the boil in
             50g icing sugar          and juice.                                        a large pot, stirring occasionally until
             1 lemon, zest and juice   In a separate bowl, whip the cream to soft peaks, then fold into   the sugar dissolves. Add the fruit slices
             50ml single cream        the cream cheese mixture.                         to the boiling syrup, then reduce the
             12 crunchy biscuits, such as   Line a 12-cup muffi  n tin with cling fi lm and divide the   heat. Gently simmer for about 1 hour,
               chocolate chip cookies or                                                until the slices are soft and glazed.
               ginger snaps           cheesecake mixture between the cups. Give the tray a couple of
                                      bangs on the counter to get rid of air bubbles, then top each cup   Using a slotted spoon, transfer the
                                      with a biscuit. Make sure you choose a crunchy biscuit that sits   slices to a wire rack set on a rimmed
                                      snugly into the muffi  n tin holes.                 baking sheet. Let the fruit dry
                                                                                        overnight or for at least 6 hours.
                                      Chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour before turning out and
                                      serving on a platter.                             Once dry, decorate the slices with
                                                                                        melted chocolate and leave to set.

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