Page 27 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 27

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                                      Almond and butternut squash galette

                                                            SERVES 4

             FOR THE GALETTES         First make the linseed ‘eggs’ by   Blend the veg stock and almond   over and cook on the other side,
             2 tablespoons linseeds   adding the linseeds to a glass with   butter in a blender. Add 4   until golden. Transfer to a plate and
             6 tablespoons water      the water. Leave to sit for 5 minutes,   tablespoons of this mixture at a time   repeat with the rest of the batter,
             80g buckwheat flour       until the seeds coagulate and   to the veg mixture over the next 10   adding more oil to the pan as
             80g plain flour           become quite egg-like in texture.   to 15 minutes, until the butternut   needed.
             235ml oat milk or milk of choice                  squash and parsnips are soft and all
             ¼ teaspoon salt          Put the linseed ‘eggs’ in a blender or   the veg stock and almond butter mix   Add about 6 tablespoons of the
             2 tablespoons oil        food processor along with the flours,               filling to the centre of a galette. Fold
                                      milk and salt and blend until smooth.   has been added and incorporated   in the edges as in the photo below.
             FOR THE FILLING          Set aside.               into a thick, rich, super-tasty filling.   Repeat for the rest of the galettes
             1 tablespoon oil         To make the filling, heat 1 tablespoon   Stir in the parsley.  and serve with a simple green salad.
             100g button mushrooms, finely   of oil in a medium pot set over a   To cook the galettes, heat 1
               chopped                high heat. Add the mushrooms,   tablespoon of oil in a non-stick
             8 cherry tomatoes, halved  cherry tomatoes, shallots, parsnips,   frying pan set over a high heat. Once
             2 large shallots or 1 onion, finely   squash and garlic and cook until the   the oil is hot, turn down the heat
               chopped                shallots start to brown slightly, about   to medium and add enough batter   KITCHEN SWOT
             2 parsnips, finely chopped  3 minutes. Add the white wine and   to very thinly cover the base of the   A galette is a French-style
             1 small butternut squash, peeled,   salt and stir regularly until nearly   pan. You want as thin a covering   pancake from Brittany. It’s more
               deseeded and finely chopped                      as possible. Once bubbles start to   robust than a pancake and
             3 garlic cloves, finely chopped  all the wine has evaporated, about   appear in the middle of the galette   they are usually served with
             50ml white wine          another 3 minutes. Reduce the heat   and the edges start to crisp, turn   savoury llings. Traditionally
             1 teaspoon salt          to medium.                                          they would be made entirely
             250ml vegetable stock                                                        with buckwheat our, which
             4 tablespoons almond butter                                                  would make them gluten free if
             1 small bunch of fresh flat-leaf                                              you swap the plain our in this
               parsley, roughly chopped
                                                                                          recipe for buckwheat our.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  25

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