Page 30 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 30

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                                                                                                 CHRISTMAS TIP
                                                                                                 This Christmas wreath
                                                                                                   would be ideal for a
                                                                                                  mixed vegetarian and
                                                                                                  meat dinner, as it can
                                                                                                   act as a main course
                                                                                                 for a meat-free option
                                                                                                  and as a time-saving
                                                                                                 combination side dish
                                                                                                      for meat eaters.

                                                                                                   LOVES IRISH
                                                                                                  The blue and orange
                                                                                                throw in this feature was
                                                                                               crafted by NCAD graduate
                                                                                                  Deirdre Duffy of Wild
                                                                                              Cocoon. Using 100% lambs
                                                                                                wool, each piece is hand
                                                                                               woven on a foot-powered
                                                                                                floor loom. Each item is a
                                                                                                unique expression of the
                                                                                                 wool’s natural qualities
                                                                                               combined with the artistic
                                                                                                expression of the craft of

                            Maple-roasted sweet potato, caramelised onion and
                                       Brussels sprouts puff pastry wreath

                                                           SERVES 4

             1 sheet of puff pastry, thawed  Take the pastry out of the freezer the   baking tray and roast in the oven for   are still attached to the main circle.
             100g Brussels sprouts    night before and put it in the fridge   30 minutes. Remove from the oven   Spread the cranberry sauce around
             800g sweet potatoes, cut into bite-  to defrost overnight.  and set aside.  the main circle of pastry, then
              sized pieces            Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark   Roll the pastry sheet out and cut   top with the roasted veg and the
             6 medium onions, thinly sliced  6. Line a baking sheet with non-stick   as large a circle out of the pastry   remaining thyme leaves. Bring one
             2 tablespoons oil, plus extra   baking paper.      as you can. Put the pastry on top   point of the centre star over the
              for brushing the pastry and
              roasting the veg        Remove the outer skin from the   of the lined baking sheet. On the   filling as well as bringing the outer
             2 tablespoons maple syrup  Brussels sprouts and chop in half.   pastry circle, gently mark but do not   edge of pastry inwards. Press the
             salt and pepper          Add these to a medium-sized mixing   cut through an inner circle using   two together and continue until you
             a few sprigs of fresh thyme  bowl along with the sweet potatoes,   a medium-sized bowl and a sharp   have a wreath.
             5 tablespoons cranberry sauce  onions, 2 tablespoons of oil, the   knife. Cut a cross into the centre   Using a pastry brush, brush the
                                      maple syrup and a pinch of salt and   circle, leaving four equal wedges of   wreath all over with oil. Bake in the
                                      pepper. Remove the leaves from half   pastry that are still attached to the   oven for 15 minutes, until golden
                                      of the thyme sprigs and add those   main circle. Now make two more   brown and cooked through. Remove
                                      too, mixing well.         cuts, this time at an angle, leaving   from the oven and allow to rest for 5
                                                                eight little equal-sized wedges that
                                      Spread the veg out on an unlined                   minutes before cutting into slices.
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