Page 22 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 22

surstar lds

                                                                   Gluten free

                                                                                           Any full- avoured cheese
                                                                                            like goats’ cheese, Stilton
                                                                                             or Pecorino is a great
                                                                                             match with this warm

                    Endive, broccoli and black-eyed beans
                         with hot and gingery dressing
                                          SERVES 4
                                                                                         SUPERVALU LOVES
                                                                                         IRISH CRAFTS
             200ml extra virgin olive oil  Pour the olive oil, cider vinegar, honey, salt and pepper into a
             50ml organic cider vinegar with   medium glass jar. Pierce the chilli fi ve times with a sharp knife   The hand-carved citrus juicer in
               mother                  and quarter the ginger. Add to the jar with the garlic and the   this feature is by Stephen Ryan of
             1 teaspoon manuka honey   thyme on the stems. Put the lid on tightly and give the jar a   Green Woodwork Ireland, based
             ½ teaspoon salt           couple of shakes to emulsify the liquid. Leave in the fridge   in Belfast’s Lagan Valley. Inspired
             ½ teaspoon cracked black pepper  overnight if possible for the fl avours to infuse.  by items from traditional Irish life,
             1 fresh red chilli                                                          each piece uses locally sourced
             4cm piece of fresh root ginger  Cook the corn in boiling salted water for 10 minutes, then   hardwoods and traditional hand
             1 rose garlic clove, bruised  remove from the pan and allow to cool slightly. Cook the   tools, helping to revive an ancient
             ½ small bunch of fresh thyme, plus   broccoli in boiling salted water for 4 minutes. Cut the corn   form of woodland craft that has
               extra to garnish        kernels from the cob and cut the endives into quarters   been practised for thousands of
             2 corn on the cob         lengthways.                                       years.
             2 x 90g packets of tenderstem   To serve, pile the vegetables onto a serving platter. Remove
               broccoli tips           the garlic, chilli, ginger and thyme from the dressing and
             2 endive                  drizzle it over, then sprinkle over the drained beans and some
             1 x 400g tin of black-eyed beans  fresh thyme leaves.

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