Page 29 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 29

’ ti   eseso    ggie

                                   SuperValu Cranberry Sauce                             Roasted carrots with pomegranate and pistachios

            If you double the              Sweet potato wedges with spicy sauce
            recipe, you can use
            the leftover sweet                                                                       MYTH BUSTER
            potatoes as part of a                                                            Carrots don’t actually help you
            winter salad with feta                                                          see in the dark unless you have a
            cheese and rocket the                                                         vitamin A de ciency. Some sources
            next day.                                                                     claim the myth began during World
                                                                                           War Two when the RAF spread the
                                                                                           rumour, claiming that the success
                                                                                         rate of night raids by their pilots was
                                                                                           due to them eating lots of carrots.
                                                                                          Apparently they wanted their carrot
                                                                                            propaganda to hide advances in
                                                                                         technology that were the real reason
                                                                                                  for higher success rates.

                        Chestnut and root veg Wellington

                                                                                                         Gluten free

            CHRISTMAS FOR
            A GANG
            We’ve made veg Wellingtons
            for Christmas dinner plenty of
            times and they’ve always gone down
            really well. Last year we did this for our
            family’s  rst meat-free Christmas for 17 of us
            and everyone loved it. This Wellington is easy to
            make, tasty and has a real wow factor.
                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  27

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