Page 28 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 28

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                       Chestnut and root veg                                Roasted carrots with
                              Wellington                                pomegranate and pistachios

                                 SERVES 4 TO 6                                      SERVES 4 AS A SIDE
              2 sheets of ready-rolled puff    ½ small bunch of fresh rosemary,   5 medium carrots  1 pomegranate
               pastry, thawed          fi nely chopped              2 tablespoons oil       100g pistachios or cashews
              2 medium onions         2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari  2 tablespoons maple syrup  a few sprigs of fresh thyme or
              3 medium carrots, about 200g  1 teaspoon salt        ½ teaspoon balsamic vinegar  rosemary
              2 parsnips, about 150g  ½ teaspoon ground black pepper  1 teaspoon salt
              100g cashew nuts        pinch of cayenne pepper      Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas   over a bowl with your fi ngers
              4 tablespoons oil       150g cooked couscous, preferably   mark 4. Line a baking tray with   spread open to allow the seeds
              200g vacuum-packed cooked   wholemeal                non-stick baking paper.  to fall through. Use the back of a
               chestnuts              ½ lemon, juice only                                  wooden spoon to bash the top
              ½ small bunch of fresh sage,   gravy, to serve       Slice the carrots lengthwise into   and the seeds will fall through
               fi nely chopped, plus extra to   cranberry sauce, to serve   four long strips so that they are
               garnish                redcurrants, to garnish      long thin wedges. Put the wedges   your fi ngers into the bowl. If you
                                                                   in a large mixing bowl.  spot any white bits in the bowl,
                                                                                           remove them, as they are bitter.
              Take the pastry out of the freezer   unbroken cashew nuts together   Put the oil, maple syrup, balsamic   Give the pomegranate halves a
              the night before and put it in the   with the broken-up pieces and mix   vinegar and salt in a small bowl   good squeeze into a glass to get
              fridge to defrost overnight.  well. Taste the stuffi  ng and season   and whisk together using a fork.   all the juice too. Drink the juice as
              Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas   if you think it needs any more salt   Pour the dressing on top of the   a little bonus for the cook!
              mark 4. Line a baking tray with   or pepper.         carrots and mix until all the   Toast the nuts by putting them
              non-stick baking paper.  Add the cooked couscous and   carrots are completely coated.  in a dry frying pan without any
              To make the chestnut cashew   lemon juice to the stuffi  ng and   Spread the coated carrots on the   oil. Set on a high heat and cook,
              stuffi  ng, peel and thinly slice the   put the pan back on the heat.   lined baking tray. Roast in the   stirring regularly, until they start
              onions. Chop any rough gnarly   Cook through for a couple more   oven for 45 to 60 minutes, until   to turn golden but not burn. This
              bits off  the carrots and parsnips   minutes, stirring well, until   they start to crisp up and char,   should take 5 to 8 minutes and
              and grate them. There’s no need   everything is warm and well   but keep an eye on them so they   you should watch them like a
              to peel the veg, as there’s a lot of   mixed.        don’t burn, as sugars can catch   hawk. Sip your pomegranate juice
              goodness in the skin.   To assemble the Wellington, lightly   quite quickly.  to pass the time!
              If your cashew nuts are not   brush one sheet of pastry with the   While the carrots are in the   Once the carrots are done,
              roasted, then put them in a small   remaining 2 tablespoons of oil on   oven, it’s time to deseed the   transfer them to a serving bowl
              dry pan set on a high heat and   the top side and put on the lined   pomegranate and toast the nuts.   and scatter the pomegranate
              toast them for 5 to 8 minutes,   baking tray.        Cut the pomegranate in half   seeds and toasted nuts on top.
              stirring occasionally, till they start   Put the cashew chestnut fi lling   through the equator, not the   Finally, sprinkle the fresh thyme or
              to go golden, making sure they   into the centre third of the pastry,   stems. Hold one half in your hand   rosemary leaves over to fi nish.
              don’t burn. Set aside to cool.  leaving a third of the pasty clear
              Put 2 tablespoons of the oil in a   on either side and also leaving
              large frying pan or pot set on a   a little space on each end so
              medium heat. Add the onions   that you can properly seal your
              and sauté for 5 minutes, stirring   Wellington. Form the fi lling into a
              regularly, until they start to go   smooth mound.             Sweet potato wedges
              translucent. Add the grated carrots   Place the other sheet of pastry
              and parsnips and sweat for 5 more   on top of the mound. Bring the   with spicy sauce
              minutes, stirring regularly. Remove   pastry around the fi lling from   SERVES 4 AS A SIDE
              the pot from the heat.  both sides so that it covers the
              Meanwhile, crush two-thirds   fi lling completely from both ends
              of your roasted cashew nuts by   and brush a little oil on top. Trim   3 medium sweet potatoes  2 tablespoons cider vinegar
              putting them in a food processor   any excess pastry from the edges.   3 garlic cloves, crushed  2 tablespoons oil
                                                                                           2 teaspoons smoked paprika
                                                                    4 tablespoons soy sauce or
              and pulsing until they are fi nely   You can use any leftover pastry to   tamari   2 teaspoons maple or agave
              chopped. If you don’t have a food   make Christmas-themed shapes.   4 tablespoons water  syrup
              processor, you can crush them   Brush the entire outer layer of the   2 tablespoons tomato purée  ½ teaspoon chilli powder
              by wrapping them in a clean tea   pastry with oil to seal.
              towel and bashing them with a   Bake in the oven for 25 to 30   Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.  Cut the sweet potatoes
              small pan or rolling pin until they   minutes, until the pastry starts   lengthwise into wedges, removing any gnarly bits on the skin. We
              get all mashed up and fi ne.  to turn golden brown and the   always leave the skin on as there is lots of nutrition and fi bre in the skin.
              Finely chop the cooked chestnuts   kitchen smells fab! Garnish with   Put the wedges in a large mixing bowl. Put all the other ingredients in
              and combine with the sage and   fresh sage and redcurrants. Serve   a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the sauce on top of the sweet
              rosemary. Add to the pan along   with gravy and cranberry sauce on   potato wedges and mix well. Transfer the sweet potatoes to a baking
              with the soy sauce or tamari,   the side for a magical Christmas   tray and spread them out evenly. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, until
              salt, pepper and cayenne. Add   meal.                 they are crispy on the outside, soft on the inside and an all-round taste
              the remaining one-third of the                        sensation!

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