Page 81 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 81

fo & travl

                         PLACES TO STAY
                  Empty Nesters & Couples
                                                                             Devilishly dark
                                                                         almond butter truffl  es
                It may be the season to be jolly, but it’s also the ideal
                time for a romantic getaway or a relaxing break                     MAKES 12
                from all the razzmatazz. For couples, the Ashley
                Park House near Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, is ideal.   These yummy nutty delights are a perfect healthy option for snack time.
                They reopen after Christmas Day on December 26.   Get creative decorating these nutty treats with your favourite toppings.
                This niche destination provides tranquillity and   170g Nutterly Nutritious   FOR THE TOPPINGS
                grandeur all in one, and as the Ashley is pet friendly,   almond butter  chopped nuts
                you can bring your pooch too. If you’re looking to   120g pitted dates  sea salt fl akes
                recharge after a hectic Christmas Day and you want   1 tablespoon dried goji   cacao nibs
                to get away from it all, Hotel Minella in Clonmel,   berries, roughly chopped  freeze-dried berries
                Co. Tipperary, is tailor made for you. They reopen on   1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds,   coconut fl akes
                December 27 with no Christmas fuss, just come as ecember 27 with no Christmas fuss, just come as   roughly chopped  dried rose petals
                you are and enjoy a quiet time away and possibly a ou are and enjoy a quiet time away and possibly a   1 tablespoon desiccated
                dip in their 20 metre heated swimming pool. e heated swimming pool.   coconut
                dip in their 20 metr
                                                               120g dark chocolate, chopped
                                                               In a food processor, blend together the almond butter and dates to a fairly
                                                               smooth paste and it begins to come together into a ball. Add the goji berries,
                      Nutterly Nutritious                      pumpkin seeds and desiccated coconut and blend until they are evenly
                      Food, glorious food could                distributed throughout the mix.
                      be Fiona Maher’s life motto.             Using your hands, roll the mixture into small balls just a bit smaller than a golf
                      From the beginning of her                ball. You should get 12 balls out of the mixture, depending on the size you
                      love affair with all that is             make them. Place the balls on a parchment-lined baking tray or dish. Place in
                      edible in her teens to a stint           the freezer for at least 1 hour.
             on MasterChef in 2011 all the way to
             2014, when a health scare made Fiona              Put the dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl and place over a pot of boiling
             take a closer look at her own diet, food          water, making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Stir the
             has always been a major part of her life.         chocolate until it has melted. Place the balls one by one into the melted
             While rethinking what to put on her               chocolate, making sure you completely coat each one.
             table, Fiona discovered the nutritional           Place back on the parchment-lined sheet and immediately sprinkle with your
             value and health benefits of nut butters.         desired toppings. When all the balls are covered in chocolate and toppings,
             She soon decided to create her very own           place back in the freezer, as you can enjoy them straight from frozen.
             brand: Nutterly Nutritious. Lovingly
             crafted in Kildare, Nutterly Nutritious
             now has a variety of healthy snack foods,
             all gluten and dairy free, that are the ideal
             alternative to sugary snacks.

                                                      Be Safe
                                               Wrap up warm for winter walks in
                                             Killarney and always let somebody know
                                                 about your intended journey.

              A winter view of
              Killarney, Co. Kerry

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