Page 80 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 80

fo & travl

                                                                                                 TOP TIP
                                                                                       This hearty dish can work as a
                            Donegal is as                                             side too but is best served as a
                            stunning in the winter                                    lunch with a fresh green salad.
                            as the summer
                                                                                        You won’t need big portions
                                                                                           with these big  avours.

               Tartifl ette with
               Durrus cheese

                      SERVES 6

            If you’re looking for a winter warmer
            dish, you’ve found it here. It’s best to
            use Rooster potatoes in this dish or
            baby potatoes with their skins on.

            1kg Rooster potatoes, peeled and left
            1 tablespoon olive oil
            1 medium onion, thinly sliced
            200g smoked bacon, diced
            1 garlic clove, chopped
            200ml dry white wine
            2 tablespoons thyme leaves
            salt and pepper
            300g Durrus cheese, sliced and rind

            Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.
            Put the potatoes in a pot of boiling
            salted water for 20 minutes, until
            tender. Strain into a colander and
            leave to cool. Once cooled, dice into
            2cm cubes and set aside.
            Heat the oil in a frying pan set over
            a medium heat. Add the onion and
            sauté for 10 to 15 minutes, until
            golden brown and beginning to
            caramelise. Add the bacon and cook        Durrus cheese
            for a further 4 minutes, then add the     For nearly 40 years, Jeffa Gill
            garlic and cook for 2 more minutes.       has been hand making Durrus
            Add the diced potatoes, wine and          cheese on her farm in West Cork.
            thyme, season with salt and pepper        By using traditional techniques
            and cook on a low heat for 10             and sticking to the principles she
            minutes.                      founded the company on, sustainability, quality
            Pour half of the potato mixture into   and enjoyment of the work, Jeffa has created an
            an ovenproof dish, then spread half   artisan cheese of the highest quality. Together
            the Durrus cheese on top. Cover with
            the Durrus cheese on top. Cover with   with her daughter Sarah Hennessy, Ann McGrath
            the remaining potato mixture and top
            the remaining potato mixture and top   and the rest of her team, Durrus cheese continues
            with the remaining Durrus cheese.   to win national and international prizes.
            Bake in the oven for 20 minutes,
            until the top is golden brown and

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