Page 19 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 19

surstar lds

                                                                                This warm salad is so
                                                                               full of  avour that you
                                                                               may well convert your
                                                                                turnip-hating family
                                                                                   and friends!

                           Pictured overleaf

                  confetti salad
                        SERVES 4
              1 rose garlic clove, bruised
              2 star anise                                                                     turnip with
              1 teaspoon cumin seeds                                                           Swiss chard
              1 teaspoon whole cloves
              200ml extra virgin olive oil                                                   and baby salad
              50ml organic cider vinegar with mother                                              onions
              1 teaspoon manuka honey
              ½ teaspoon salt                                                                       SERVES 4
              ½ teaspoon cracked black pepper
              1 red onion
              ½ celeriac, unpeeled
              1 lime, juice only                750ml water             Bring the water to the boil, then crumble in the stock
              200g pre-prepared spiralised carrot  1 vegetable stock cube  cube and add the citrus fruit to the pan. Add the turnip
              200g pre-prepared shredded Savoy   1 tangerine, cut in half  slices and poach for 8 to 10 minutes, until tender.
                cabbage                         1 lime, cut in half     Remove and put on kitchen paper to drain.
              1 x 400g tin of chickpeas, drained and   1 small turnip, peeled and   Brush a griddle pan with olive oil and set over a medium-
                rinsed                            thinly sliced         high heat. Add the salad onions to the hot pan and cook
                                                1 x 100g packet of SuperValu   for 6 minutes, turning frequently, until lightly charred.
                                                  Baby Salad Onions
              Toast the garlic and spices in a dry frying               Remove from the pan.
              pan set over a low heat for 5 minutes.   200g Swiss or rainbow chard
                                                75g pine nuts           Brush the griddle pan with more oil. Prep the Swiss chard
              Meanwhile, pour the olive oil, cider   200ml extra virgin olive oil,   by shredding the leaves and cutting the stems into 5cm
              vinegar, honey, salt and pepper into a   plus extra for cooking  pieces. Cook the chard leaves and stems on the griddle
              medium glass jar and add the toasted   50ml organic cider vinegar   for 4 minutes, until wilted.
              whole garlic clove and spices. Put the   with mother      Toast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan set over a low heat
              lid on the jar tightly and give it a couple   4 tablespoons SuperValu   for 4 minutes, until golden brown.
              of shakes to emulsify the liquid. Leave   Green Pesto
              overnight in the fridge if possible.  1 teaspoon manuka honey  Pour the olive oil, cider vinegar, pesto, honey, salt and
                                                ½ teaspoon salt         pepper into a medium glass jar. Put the lid on the jar
              Cut the red onion into very thin half-                    tightly and give it a couple of shakes to emulsify the
              moon slices. Cut the unpeeled celeriac   ½ teaspoon cracked black   liquid.
              into four wedges lengthways. Using a   pepper
              spiraliser, create celeriac spaghetti. The                To serve, pile the warm vegetables onto a serving platter
              celeriac can be grated if you don’t have                  and drizzle on the pesto dressing, then sprinkle over the
              a spiraliser. Toss the celeriac in the lime               toasted pine nuts.
              To serve, mix the onion with the spiralised
              celeriac, carrot and cabbage and the
              drained chickpeas in a large bowl.               YOUR SIGNATURE DRESSING
              Remove the star anise, cloves and garlic         The dressings for these salads are made by mixing extra virgin
              from the dressing, then pour it over the         olive oil, cider vinegar and manuka honey, then various botanicals
              salad and serve straight away.                   are allowed to infuse. Create your own signature salad dressing by
                                                               infusing your favourite spices and herbs. For a milder garlic  avour
                                                               in your salad dressing, don’t chop the garlic. Press down on a garlic
                                                               clove with the back of chef’s knife, then drop the bruised clove into
                                                               the dressing, leaving it to infuse.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2017 FRESH |  17

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