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Whether it’s Easter Sunday or a good
                                           old-fashioned family Sunday lunch,          Red wine hollandaise bordelaise sauce
                                           Kevin Dundon has it covered.

                                    Salt and herb crusted rib of beef                                    Gluten free

                   KITCHEN SWOT                                      KITCHEN SWOT
                   Cooked as one joint this will take approximately 2 hours at 150°C/gas   Hollandaise is traditionally made with lemon juice or white
                   mark 2, but if you’re short on time, separate the two bones and it will   wine vinegar. In this recipe we give it a little twist and create
                   then take 35 to 45 minutes for medium. Allow time for the joint to rest.   a reduction of red wine instead, which is where the word
                   The crust keeps all the juices in while the beef is cooking, but don’t   bordelaise comes from. It’s delicious served with roast or
                   cover the meat with the raw salt crust overnight, as it will cure the beef.   grilled red meat.

                                                                                                  SPRING 2017 FRESH | 3

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