Page 12 - Fresh Magazine - Winter 2017
P. 12


           Gluten free

                                                          ADULT TIP
                                                    Give these a boozy kick by adding
                                                     a small splash of Cointreau, Tia
                                                    Maria or Frangelico to the mixture
                                                   while blending. They’ll make a nice
                                                      homemade Christmas gift.

                                                                             Hanging chocolate drops
                                                                                           MAKES 8

                                                                            100g dark chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa solids,
                                               Gluten free                    roughly chopped
                                                                            3 dried apricots, finely chopped
                                                                            3 pecan nuts, finely chopped
                                                                            1 teaspoon pistachios, finely chopped
                                                                            1 teaspoon dried cranberries, finely chopped
                                                                            1 teaspoon desiccated coconut
                                                                            8 x 8cm pieces of thin ribbon or string
                                                                            Line two trays with non-stick baking paper. Loop the
                                                                            ribbon pieces so the cut ends meet and lay them spaced
                                                                            apart on one of the trays.
                                                                            Melt 75g of the chocolate in a small bowl set over a pan of
                                                                            simmering water or in 30-second blasts in the microwave,
                                                                            stirring regularly. Place spoonfuls of the melted chocolate
                                                                            over the cut ends of each ribbon loop so as to completely
                                                                            cover. Pop into the fridge for 30 minutes, until set firm.
                                                                            Meanwhile, melt the remaining 25g of chocolate in the
                                                                            same way and leave to cool slightly. Toss the dried fruit
                                                                            and nuts in a small bowl with the coconut.
                                                                            Drizzle a little of the melted chocolate from the tip of
                                                                            a teaspoon back and forth over a set chocolate disc.
                                                                            Immediately sprinkle over a little of the fruit and nut
                                 Making Christmas tree decorations with     mixture to stick. Pick the chocolate drop up by the ribbon
                                 the kids is a wonderful tradition to create   and transfer to the second tray. That way the drizzles that
                                 for your family. Sharon Hearne-Smith       went off the edges of the drops won’t stick. Repeat until all
                                                                            the drops are complete.
                                 has some tasty ideas to try as well as     Return to the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes, until set, before
                                 some healthy versions too.                 displaying. These will keep between pieces of parchment
                                                                            paper in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two
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