Strawberry Pie Pops

Strawberry pie pops recipe Strawberry pie pops recipe

These gorgeous little pies are made even cuter when presented on pop sticks. They are refined sugar free and are packed with chia seeds, a superfood. Use whatever small shaped stamper for the centre cut you like. A star, heart or plain circle will all look great.

5 people 25 minutes 30 minutes


  • 1 small Eggs beaten
  • 1 tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 10 - Paper Lollipop Sticks
  • 1 small Shape Stamper like a heart, star or circle, optional (see tips below)
  • 4 tsp Supervalu Goodness Chia Seeds
  • 175 g Unsalted Butter
  • 50 ml Water (cold)

For the Filling:

  • 150 g SuperValu Strawberries

For the Pastry:

  • 225 g Plain Flour plus extra for dusting

You Will Need:

  • 1 - Straight Sided Cutter 6cm round


  1. To make the pastry, blend the flour and butter together in a food processor or by hand in a bowl until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the cold water bit by bit, adding just enough to bring the mixture together into a dough. Knead into a smooth ball and flatten slightly. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Hull the strawberries and place in a blender or food processor with the maple syrup and chia seeds. Blend until smooth, then pour into a bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes, until thickened to a jam-like consistency.
  3. Preheat the oven to 190°C/gas mark 5. Line a large baking sheet and a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
  4. Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured surface until it’s about 3mm thick. Using a 6cm round, straight-sided cutter, stamp out 20 discs, arranging half of them spaced apart on the baking sheet and the other half on the tray as you go. Reroll the pastry as necessary until it’s all used up.
  5. Lightly brush the beaten egg over each of the pastry discs on the baking sheet. Lay one end of a lollipop stick onto each of these, placing it almost to the top of the rounds. Place a tablespoon of the strawberry filling in the centre of each one, on top of the stick, leaving a 1cm border.
  6. Stamp out your choice of shape from the centre of the discs on the baking tray. Lay a stamped pastry disc on top of each filled disc to enclose. Press the edges down to seal and decorate with fork marks all around the outside. Brush the tops with beaten egg. Arrange the stamped-out pastry pieces on the baking sheet, brushing them lightly with egg too.
  7. Bake in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, swapping the trays around in the oven halfway through. Once crisp and golden, remove and leave to cool completely before lifting off the trays. Serve stacked on a long platter or standing upright in tall glasses. Serve the pastry cutouts as an extra in a little jar.

TIPS - If you don’t have a small shape stamper, then use the tip of a straw to stamp out one or more dots. A simple criss-cross with a sharp knife will work well too. You could get creative and arrange strips of pastry in a lattice pattern on top if liked or you could leave the top whole.

        - Use fresh raspberries instead of strawberries if preferred.


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