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Smokin Bones

Smokin Bones Restaurants:

Established in 2013, our journey began with a humble food stall, in Herbert park, offering only one signature dish - baby back ribs. Today, Smokin Bones has evolved into a well-known brand with four thriving outlets across Dublin, all devoted to the art of providing soul-satisfying barbecue experiences. Our commitment extends beyond the grill. We believe in quality ingredients, traditional barbecue preparation methods, and the warmth of a community gathering. Smokin Bones is not just a restaurant; it’s a place where friends, families, and food enthusiasts come together to enjoy the finest in American barbecue and create lasting memories.

Introducing Smokin Bones Retail:

Building upon the success of our restaurants, were thrilled to introduce “Smokin Bones Retail” – your pathway to enjoying restaurant-quality meats right in the comfort of your home or office. At Smokin Bones Retail, we’ve taken our renowned restaurant experience and packaged it for you. Our commitment to using premium Irish meats and the art of slow-cooking over fire and smoke remains unwavering.


Unique difference: Convenience and Quality:

Our Hand Pulled Pork comes in a convenient 200gr pouch that is specially designed for microwave cooking. In just two minutes, you can savour the succulent, flavourful goodness of our slow- cooked pulled pork, which has never been available in such a convenient and quick format in the Irish retail market. With this product, were not just changing the way you think about barbecue; were changing the way you think about convenience and quality cooked meats in the world of food. Our mission remains clear: to deliver exceptional, restaurant quality meats that celebrate the traditions of Low n’ Slow cooking techniques.

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